by Jay Wilburn
Do we want to embarrass the featured authors on the zombie tour? Generally, no. Some of them very much, but mostly no. For the most part they embarrass themselves more completely and regularly than we could ever hope to duplicate with even the vast resources of the Summer of Zombie global corporate empire. Still, it doesn’t hurt to use the Internet to bring up the better examples of video evidence online to really understand these authors. It might hurt a little. If it didn’t, why would we bother?!
Some of this stuff is Deep Web, so if the links don’t work for you, just be thankful and move on. You should see the videos we didn’t pick. No! No, you shouldn’t. Don’t look for them.
Enjoy these special finds online and be sure to check out their books as well.
Eric A Shelman
Shelman is a man of constant sorrows.
There are a lot of great videos of him singing really well.
We picked this one for obvious reasons.
Armand Rosamilia
Rosamilia records himself playing D&D.
Not nerdy at all. He’s really cool you guys.
Jack Wallen
Jack Wallen makes a disturbing video.
It’s for a book, we swear.
Chuck Buda
Chuck Buda takes it all off for charity.
Safe for work, I promise.
Angela B Chrysler
Chrysler Talks about Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who.
Her whole channel is great on a wide range of stuff.
Mark Cusco Ailes
Alathia Paris Morgan
Alathia Morgan at Leadership school.
There was a video of a skit too, but I’m going to stick with this.
Rebecca Besser
The only video that survived of her is this dog playing in 2014.
The goats ate everything else.
Ricky Fleet
Ricky Fleet takes the ice bucket challenge.
Not well, but he takes it.
Derek Ailes
Derek and Mark interviewed
There bit begins at about 1:40
He has a channel with a lot of unusual cartoons and other content on it.
Peter Welmerink
Peter Welmerink listens to music and makes faces.
Brent Abell
Brent dressed as a Stormtrooper
while Obi Won sings about cellphones.
T. J. Weeks
Weeks did a movie about Santa Claus killing his family.
These are the bloopers.
S. K. Gregory
S. K. Gregory has scrubbed the Internet of all videos
except for book trailers and Facebook retrospectives.
And her Facebook retrospectives are of book trailers.
Jay Wilburn
There were too many to choose from.
I have many regrets in life.
We went with me messing up a video reading.
Bonus time:
Bonus video:
The infamous Hellmouth photo shoot.