by Jay Wilburn As of the end of this tour, Armand Rosamilia participated in the zombie tours for over seven years as a host or a featured author. He began with the Summer of Zombie tours and the Winter of Zombie tours have been running almost as long. With the main storyline of Dying Days coming to …
Tag: Dying Days
The Case for Armand Rosamilia #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Armand Rosamilia is a masterful writer with a voice that carries him through zombies, horror, crime thrillers, Young Adult, and more. He has a number of great collaborations with other authors. He has written both fiction and nonfiction. There is something for every reader in Rosamilia’s catalog of work and once you …
Going from Extreme Zombies to YA Zombies #SummerZombie
by Armand Rosamilia If you’ve ever read one of my Dying Days books, first off… thank you! I appreciate the support. You are awesome. Someday when we meet you deserve a hug. Maybe not from me but from someone else in the room. I’ve often been either called out for or loved because of the …
Teaser from Dying Days: Family Ties – A Zombie YA Novella by Armand Rosamilia #SummerZombie
“When I heard that Armand Rosamilia was doing a Young Adult novel from his Dying Days universe, I was interested and a little taken aback. There aren’t many zombies as extreme and as adult as those in Dying Days. Family Ties creates an amazing story perfect for a Young Adult audience, but accessible to any …
Hold On … You Said No More Dying Days #SummerZombie
by Armand Rosamilia I lied. There ya go. In all fairness, I’d already started Dying Days: Family Ties before I’d finished writing Dying Days 9, the last in the series. As part of my Patreon ( page I was releasing a new chapter every month. Subscribers got the first draft of chapters to read. January …
Writing Zombies for a Younger Audience #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn For some of us, thinking about writing zombies for a younger audience means “kids” in their twenties. We are often trying to appeal to that same “young” demographic many television properties and genre films are trying to capture. But what about writing for an actual “younger” audience? Like too young to vote, …
Spotlight On Armand Rosamilia #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn *Jay stared at the lawn and the house. It looked … normal. The rest of the neighborhood lay in ashes. The dead wandered all of Jacksonville. They wandered all of Florida and the world beyond, but this house looked just fine. He approached the door and knocked. He couldn’t remember the last …
Welcome to Summer of Zombie Fun in the Sun 2018 #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Well, not too much sun. I’m on meds and have to avoid too much sun exposure and zombies are sometimes scarier in the dark. Also, sun is bad for their skin and eyes. They do not recover from sun damage as easily as they did before they reanimated, but still, it’s summer …
Alumni Post: Authors of WOZ and SOZ tours past – Where are they now? WOZ 17
by Jay Wilburn As of the the end of this tour, Armand Rosamilia participated in the zombie tours for over six years as a host or a featured author. He began with the Summer of Zombie tours and the Winter of Zombie tours have been running almost as long. With Dying Days coming to a …
The Case for Brent Abell – WOZ 17
by Jay Wilburn Brent Abell is really coming into his own as an author and is contributing great, original work to the zombie genre. His Southern Devils series is going strong, bringing together alternate history and voodoo, intelligent zombies with a mission before they can rest. This series deserves more attention. Dying Days: Death Sentence …