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Time Eaters

(2 customer reviews)

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Following his father’s suicide, Al and his best friend, Nick, devote their lives to building a time machine. When future versions of themselves begin popping up, they find it safe in concluding they’ve succeeded. However, when an endless army of time-traveling cannibals make an entrance, all the Als and Nicks of the myriad of timelines in the universe must do everything they can to reverse the apocalypse they may have accidentally started.

2 reviews for Time Eaters

  1. William L. Nienaber

    Mind Bending Time Travel Horror Show
    Format: Kindle Edition

    What a ridiculous and engrossing story! Time travel stories have long been among my favorites, but this one is possibly more mind-bending, and certainly more bloody and cringe-inducing, than any I’ve encountered. To be quite honest, I struggled at times to keep the threads of the various parts of the story straight,what with all the multiple trips into the past and all, but the payoff is well worth the effort. I really don’t want to spoil anything about the story, but if you’ve read the blurb you’ll know if it’s for you. If you enjoy time travel or horror stories (or especially if you like both,) my guess would be that it is.

  2. Terri DelCampo

    Jay Wilburn writes a mean horror/sci-fi story! Grab TIME EATERS and hold on for the ride!
    Format: Paperback

    I love Jay Wilburn’s writing style! He grabs you in the dark and drags you head first through the heart-clenching dread, never bothering to turn on the lights. My kind of author, Wilburn weaves action, vivid imagery, and his twisted story in such a way that the fog you’re staggering through gets thicker before it melts slowly away to gradually reveal the terror. My damn lights are on now because Jay Wilburn is a master of horror. Thank you, Jay!

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