by Javan Bonds
I’m sure you have thought about where you would go, where you would be safest during some type of global crash or apocalypse. Preparing for the coming zombie apocalypse is always talked about with a snicker, just to let others know you aren’t serious. You are joking, right?
A pandemic that reanimates the dead is unreal. As much as we all talk about it, we know it’s impossible. But what if there were a worldwide sickness of Ebola or mutant rabies? Would you be able to survive?
Personally, I could tell you I would almost certainly be one of the first to die. For one thing, I’m not what you would call fast. Also, I have the immune system of an infant. I would catch the superbug from a man coughing in Brazil! (Did anyone catch that?)
However, let’s say I am the main character of my Still Alive series, Mo Collins and the pandemic is only transferable through body fluids. Peevies (the zombies in Still Alive) are terrified of water and Mo works on a replica pirate ship. As long as the sickness wasn’t airborne, like Mo, I think a boat would be a pretty safe place to be.
I chose a replica caravel ship simply because it has the ability to traverse shallow rivers as well as the open sea. Modern ships using gasoline or diesel engines would be limited to the range of their fuel tanks as well as possible mechanical failure. Wooden sailing vessels would be easier to repair and maintain with very little technical knowledge. Also, they could be modified temporally to use modern engines if necessary.
Given the abundance of fish and the ability to scavenge the resources along the expansive water systems of the country, a group could possibly survive decades on the water or until a safe harbor could be located.
What is your ultimate survival location or vehicle?
Check out Zombie River Run by Javan Bonds or start the Still Alive series from the beginning now.