These are the uncensored covers of a zombie novel I’m writing for NaNoWriMo in November of 2021. I will do that live on Twitch at . Join me to see it written live before your eyes. November’s streaming schedule is at the bottom of this page.
Category: Uncategorized

The Case for Brahm Stroker #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Brahm Stroker is a sexy question within a steamy mystery wrapped in an erotic enigma. Most of what I share here was told to me by questionable sources and disgraced scholars. Almost none of it can be verified, but it has to be shared. Brahm Stroker was supposedly born in Buddhapest, Hungry, …

Teaser from Seize Another Day by Baileigh Higgins #SummerZombie
“I came to Baileigh Higgins’s work late and found a treasure trove of great stories and series. She can write an apocalypse and has done so multiple times.” — Jay Wilburn Teaser from Seize Another Day book 4 of the Dangerous Days series by Baileigh Higgins After Ke Tau’s disastrous attack, the inhabitants had recovered …

Before Nightshift #StephenKingRevisited
by Jay Wilburn The plan is to reread all of Stephen King’s works in the order that they were published. Richard Chizmar of Cemetery Dance had the vision. I’m doing it because I am a writer and I want to improve my long fiction. I think there is something to be learned through this challenge. …

After Rage #StephenKingRevisited
by Jay Wilburn The plan is to reread all of Stephen King’s works in the order that they were published. Richard Chizmar of Cemetery Dance had the vision. I’m doing it because I am a writer and I want to improve my long fiction. I think there is something to be learned through this challenge. …

Bonus Teaser of Lament
by Jack Wallen Excerpt from the cyberpunk reimagined novel Lament available now … Garbage in. Garbage out. In a world ruled by Big Data and BigPharma, society’s only hope falls into the hands of neophyte data jockeys known as Somnambulace. While the human race was jacking in and sucking down a few ones and zeros …

Bonus Teaser from The Enemy Held Near
by Armand Rosamilia and Jay Wilburn Excerpt from The Enemy Held Near available now … Also available in audio version! Includes a free sample … Chapter 1 Foster Turner I was crying too by the time I got Heather back home. Heather took three steps into the house and stopped. Her duffle dangled by the straps …

Bonus Teaser from United States of Apocalypse
by Mark Tufo and Armand Rosamilia Read this excerpt from the beginning of United States of Apocalypse and then buy the book to jump in on this great, ongoing story now. When World War 3 erupts on American soil it is up to some less than likely heroes to band together and stand tall against …

Summer of Zombie 2016! Thanks for the Wild Undead Ride …
Summer of Zombie 2016 Comes to a Close: Thanks for the Wild, Undead Ride. Jay Gives One More Farewell Post Before He is Loaded on a Boat, Set Ablaze, and Sent Out to Sea with Crying Vikings Watching from the Shore (Vikings Can Cry Too … Don’t Be Like That …) by Jay Wilburn It …

Summer of Zombie Alumni Post – Flashback Throwback Super Groovy – Where Are they Now? – Authors of Summers and Winters past
Summer of Zombie 2016 #SummerZombie As of the the end of this tour, Armand Rosamilia will have been doing the summer of zombie tours for five seasons now. The winter of zombie tours will have been running almost as long. Some years he had as many as 40 or more authors on. Even with regular …