by Jay Wilburn Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2018 Featuring: Daniel Humphreys, Jessica Gomez, Javan Bonds, RJ Spears, Samie Sands, Baileigh Higgins, Kenny Van Dyke Jr, Thomas M Malafarina, Tom Clark, Armand Rosamilia, Alathia Morgan, Brahm Stroker, and MV Clark Hosted by: Jay Wilburn #CaptainThreeKidneys Friday, June 1st Tour post Introducing Another Great Zombie Tour …
Category: Announcements
A Story A Week 2018
by Jay Wilburn Ray Bradbury recommended that authors write short stories before they attempt novels. Many writers steer away from short story work as their careers progress because the smart money is on novels. Bradbury also suggested that authors not try to make money as they are building up their craft. Jeez, what is this …
Your Official Winter of Zombie Black Friday Shopping List. Order Now!
by Jay Wilburn I know Christmas is coming up quick. And it is Black Friday where we traditionally shed all thankfulness and trample strangers to get the best deals in the sacred tradition of capitalism. If you do not want to be trampled, but want to celebrate capitalism anyway, here is your shopping list for …
Zombie Plans Are for Young Healthy Optimists … I Don’t Like My Odds!
by Jay Wilburn I never put a lot of work into my zombie plans over the years. Well, no real work actually, but a lot thought. In theory, a good zombie plan could help in many different disaster situations. Even the CDC used “zombie preparedness” as a gimmick for a post on general disaster preparation …
Welcome to Another Cold, Dead Adventure – WOZ ‘17
by Jay Wilburn Winter of Zombie 2017! Here we go! We have a talented and interesting set of featured authors and creative works. These featured works include parts of series in progress and a series coming to a close. We also have short fiction in some creative anthologies that any zombie fan must check out. …
Winter of Zombie 2017 Master Schedule
These are all the posts from the 2017 Winter of Zombie blog tour. They will be hyperlinked to the content as we go. Enjoy the tour!!! #WinterZombie Nov 1 Tour Post: Welcome to Another Cold, Dead Adventure – WOZ ’17 “Play Too Much” Round Robin Story – Chapter 1 Nov 2 Tour Post: Zombie Plans …
After Scares That Care … the three kidney edition
by Jay Wilburn As we were getting ready to leave the convention this year, my wife commented how different each person’s experience and perception of the event would be depending on their interests. The vendors, those free to roam to every panel or event, those in the workshops, the volunteers and staff, those there for …
Before Scares That Care! Weekend
by Jay Wilburn Scares That Care Weekend Convention is this coming weekend as of the time I am writing this. It will run from July 21 – 23, 2017. I hope to see many of you there. You can check out details here. Or you can follow along on my Jay Wilburn Author Page on …
Alumni Post — Where Are They Now? — Authors of SOZ and WOZ past #SummerZombie 2017
by Jay Wilburn As of the the end of this tour, Armand Rosamilia will have been doing the zombie tours for over six years now as a host or a featured author. He began with the Summer of Zombie tours and the Winter of Zombie tours have been running almost as long. Some years he …
The Farewell Post: Shambling Off into the Sunset #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn We have come to the conclusion of another great blog tour. Summer of Zombie 2017 was a pleasure to host. The authors and featured works involved were well worth promoting. We have a lot of exciting stories and ongoing adventures for readers to choose from. Reading through so many stories each season …