The plan is to reread all of Stephen King’s works in the order that they were published. Richard Chizmar of Cemetery Dance had the vision. I’m doing it because I am a writer and I want to improve my fiction. And I love Stephen King’s stories. I think there is something to be learned through this process.
You can also go back to the beginning and read Before Carrie or any of my other posts up through this one and beyond by checking out this link to the Master List of all my #StephenKingRevisited posts.

I’m ready to give Elevation more of a chance than I was when I first bought a copy in the midst of this revisiting effort. I had such mixed response to Gwendy’s Button Box the times I read it. My feelings toward Elevation got mixed in with that.
I believe I’m ready to give it a fair reading. I’m appreciating Stephen King’s current work more with the background of reading for the first time or revisiting everything that lead up to this. I believe I have a different perspective with age and with the experience of all the work he has created up to this point.
I’m picking up this book with an older, but a new, open mind.
My next post in this series will be After Elevation which will be linked on the Master List of all my Stephen King Revisited posts.