by Jay Wilburn Rebecca Besser is a well-established zombie and horror author. She has made an impression in the industry and has an agent working hard to get her work in front of more eyes like it deserves. Besser recently made a splash with Nurse Blood where she explores a horror scenario around transplants, body …
Author: Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn has a Masters Degree in Education that goes mostly unused since he quit teaching to write about zombies. Jay writes horror because he tends to find the light by facing down the darkness. His is doing well following a life saving kidney transplant. Jay is the author of Maidens of Zombie Kingdom a young adult fantasy trilogy, Lake Scatter Wood Tales adventure books for elementary and middle school readers, Vampire Christ a trilogy of political and religious satire, and The Dead Song Legend. He cowrote The Enemy Held Near, Yard Full of Bones, and The Hidden Truth with Armand Rosamilia. You can also find Jay's work in Best Horror of the Year volume 5. He is a staff writer with Dark Moon Digest, LitReactor, and the Still Water Bay series with Crystal Lake Publishing.
The Case for JL Koszarek #WinterZombie
by Jay Wilburn JL Koszarek has been working on stories for quite some time before she was ever published and before her partnership with Thad David on Divide Then Conquer The Zombie Company Crusade series which brought them both onto the Winter of Zombie tour. She enjoys working with David on this series because it …
The Case for Jack Wallen #WinterZombie
by Jay Wilburn Jack Wallen is a fixture in the Summer and Winter of Zombie blog tours. He is also a key player in the zombie genre with his I Zombie series and his ongoing stories in other venues as well. You can check out the case for post for him from last summer to …
The Case for Armand Rosamilia #WinterZombie
by Jay Wilburn Armand Rosamilia is the founder of the Summer and Winter of Zombie blog tours. We are proud and honored that he has agreed to return as a featured author this year with the release of Dying Days 7 in his ongoing extreme zombie series. The new covers for that series form a …
Black Friday Apocalyptic Gift List #WinterZombie
Welcome back to the Winter of Zombie tour. It is the day after American Thanksgiving. Traditionally, this is the day thankful people with their bellies full of turkey go out to the stores in the dark hours before they open and then trample their competition to get deals on stuff and things. Yikes!!! Some people …
Zombies in a Virtual World #WinterZombie
by Brice Chandler Virtual and augmented reality is stepping through our doors. While it’s not a complete immersion into a virtual world as what’s described in my novel, Where Fallen Angels Lie, or a slew of other sci-fi and fantasy books, movies, anime, etc. It’s here and it’s going to become more common. I hope …
So You Want to Be A Zombie Author? #WinterZombie
by EE Isherwood I wrote my first novel without a lick of sense. I just sketched out 15 or so chapters with a few bullet points and started writing whatever came to mind. I began with a 104-year-old woman fighting off her infected live-in nurse, then I gave her a great-grandson as a helper and …
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse #WinterZombie
by Mark Ailes Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse – The Debate Continues… There are questions that have haunted mankind for centuries including: Existence – Why are we here? Death – Is there an afterlife? After Death – Can mankind survive a zombie apocalypse? Either of these questions have been debated heatedly over the years. Either of …
Can You Honestly Survive a Zombie Apocalypse? #WinterZombie
by Jack Wallen Could you honestly survive the apocalypse? I spend a good deal of my time dreaming up scenarios surrounded by post-apocalyptic death and destruction. It comes with the territory…being a writer of the dark fantastic that is zombie horror. Because of this, I get one particular question lobbed at me almost daily. Could …
Ending A Zombie Series
by Armand Rosamilia My knee-jerk reaction has, up until recently, to not shake the boat. Don’t do anything stupid. Don’t shoot the cash cow or however that saying goes. Don’t stop writing what is making you money. You see, about six years ago I realized I was not only going to keep writing zombie books …