by Jay Wilburn Ray Bradbury recommended that authors write short stories before they attempt novels. Many writers steer away from short story work as their careers progress because the smart money is on novels. Bradbury also suggested that authors not try to make money as they are building up their craft. Jeez, what is this …
Author: Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn has a Masters Degree in Education that goes mostly unused since he quit teaching to write about zombies. Jay writes horror because he tends to find the light by facing down the darkness. His is doing well following a life saving kidney transplant. Jay is the author of Maidens of Zombie Kingdom a young adult fantasy trilogy, Lake Scatter Wood Tales adventure books for elementary and middle school readers, Vampire Christ a trilogy of political and religious satire, and The Dead Song Legend. He cowrote The Enemy Held Near, Yard Full of Bones, and The Hidden Truth with Armand Rosamilia. You can also find Jay's work in Best Horror of the Year volume 5. He is a staff writer with Dark Moon Digest, LitReactor, and the Still Water Bay series with Crystal Lake Publishing.
Hold Back the Darkness and Believe in the Light
by Jay Wilburn I wrote about some of this a bit in the essay that opened the Jay Wilburn’s Terrible Tiny Zine Yule Time Issue that went out recently with the Jay Wilburn’s Terrible Boxes of Yule Time Things. The response was good for the Christmas edition of the mystery boxes, so a good many …
Wilburn, Rosamilia, and Buda vs the Skunk Apes
by Jay Wilburn When I set out in the stolen car with New Jersey plates toward the frozen tundra of Northern Florida, I did not expect an adventure. What happened next will surprise you more than any clickbait you have read today. First, Chuck Buda brought my family New Jersey bagels. These are easily distinguished …
Jekyll Island Comic Con Preview
by Jay Wilburn I’m very excited to be joining Armand Rosamilia and Chuck Buda at Jekyll Island Comic Con on December 10 – 11. Chuck Buda is driving down from Jersey a couple days before. He’s picking me up and then we are on our way down to Jacksonville to spend some time before, during, …
Fast and Dirty Christmas Shopping List for Horror fans
by Jay Wilburn We could list off every book that has been released this year. I could also list off all the stuff I’ve done which I might profit from. I’ll do that too in the second half of the list because it is my list, but I’ll break the first half of the list …
“Birth of a Zombie” a bonus story by Thad David & JL Koszarek #WinterZombie
by Thad David and JL Koszarek Sarah Grace looked down at her new born baby, her only baby, sleeping on her chest as she rocked back and forth in the chair her parents had given them. She had always dreamed it would feel this good but never thought she would have this chance. She was …
“TPS Reports and Zombies” a bonus story by Jaime Johnesee #WinterZombie
by Jaime Johnesee She crouched in the corner of her cubicle hoping they wouldn’t see her, praying soundlessly that they couldn’t hear her heart beating over the loud cpu fan at her desk above her. They didn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular but noises and smells seemed to excite them. She’d been …
Summary of Winter of Zombie 2016 Riding off Into The Sunset Destroying the Evidence Leave it All Behind post #WinterZombie
by Jay Wilburn We have reached the end of another tour, but our favorite undead monster keeps finding strength in numbers and keeps shambling on and on and on and … I want to thank Armand Rosamilia for trusting me to take the reins of the tours he worked so hard over so many years …
Alumni Post — the Winter of Zombie 2016 tribute to authors of SOZ and WOZ past — Where are they now?!
by Jay Wilburn As of the the end of this tour, Armand Rosamilia will have been doing the zombie tours for over five years now as a host or a featured author. He began with the Summer of Zombie tours and the Winter of Zombie tours have been running almost as long. Some years he …
The Case for Mark Ailes #WinterZombie
by Jay Wilburn We are excited to have Mark Ailes back on the Winter of Zombie tour where he returns from the 2016 Summer of Zombie tour. Here is his previous “case for” from that tour. As the spots for featured authors filled up this year, we got down to the final selections. We had …