by Brent Abell We are surrounded by death. We glorify those who kill in mass and those who have gone on before us. We study those who have made their mark in our history. But do we know the truth? Do we know if the things we read in our history classes are really how …
Author: Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn has a Masters Degree in Education that goes mostly unused since he quit teaching to write about zombies. Jay writes horror because he tends to find the light by facing down the darkness. His is doing well following a life saving kidney transplant. Jay is the author of Maidens of Zombie Kingdom a young adult fantasy trilogy, Lake Scatter Wood Tales adventure books for elementary and middle school readers, Vampire Christ a trilogy of political and religious satire, and The Dead Song Legend. He cowrote The Enemy Held Near, Yard Full of Bones, and The Hidden Truth with Armand Rosamilia. You can also find Jay's work in Best Horror of the Year volume 5. He is a staff writer with Dark Moon Digest, LitReactor, and the Still Water Bay series with Crystal Lake Publishing.
Teaser from Hellspawn Requiem by Ricky Fleet #SummerZombie
“Ricky Fleet captures something fantastic in his use of characters, setting, and zombie dread. This book continues that great work, but also amps up the danger for our characters and the world.” — Jay Wilburn #CaptainThreeKidneys Excerpt from Hellspawn Requiem by Ricky Fleet Fearing a slow death by exposure, he looked around for a solution. …
Dawn of the Dead 1978: When There is No More Room in HELL … — Mark Cusco Ailes #SummerZombie
by Mark Cusco Ailes When there’s no room left in HELL, the dead will walk the Earth. I first saw Dawn of the Dead in 1984 at a midnight screening at the County Seat 6 in Valparaiso, IN with my friend Don. They switched between showing it on Saturday nights between Rocky Horror Picture Show, …
A Summer Reading List for the True Zombie Fan #SummerZombie
by. Jay Wilburn There will be a quiz when we return to school … Summer reading?! Who do teachers think they are? Summer was our territory. It was supposed to be the anarchy of youth. If we were readers, then we already had ambitions to choose books for ourselves and they seldom had any resemblance …
Teaser from Dying Days 8 by Armand Rosamilia #SummerZombie
“The Dying Days extreme zombie series began as the most ‘out there’ on the edge zombie fiction Armand Rosamilia could create. It has remained extreme and action-packed, but it grew into something more with great characters and insane changes to the people and the world which make book 8 a must read and makes me …
Teaser from Bull by Peter Welmerink #SummerZombie
“Peter Welmerink found some magic when he moved into the Joe Cross stories to expand his Transport universe. When he created his monsters, both human and otherwise, for BULL, that magic turned dark and I don’t think he’ll ever get it back in the bottle. This book is insane in the way a great zombie …
A Brief Survival Guide — S. K. Gregory #SummerZombie
by S. K. Gregory There have been many trends in fiction in recent years, the biggest one being vampires, but it would appear that with the popularity of the Walking Dead and similar shows, zombies remain one of the top choices for horror readers. So why is this? I think we all have a secret …
Teaser from Southern Devils: Reconstruction of the Dead by Brent Abell
“Brent Abel has a remarkable sense of how to combine history, alternate timelines, and horror into a coherent, deep and heartfelt story. Reconstruction of the Dead continues the Southern Devils series and really amps up the stakes in this excellent zombie horror alternate history saga. He left me at the end of this one hungry …
Dipping Your Toes into Zombies Again — Eric A Shelman #SummerZombie
by Eric A Shelman Hey, guys! Author Eric A. Shelman here. Nice spending time with you all again, for the annual Summer of Zombie Blog Tour! Big thanks to Jay Wilburn (Captain Three Kidneys) and Armand Rosamillia, for all they do for us zombie authors. And … yes! I am officially that again. I got …
A Practical Guide on How to Properly Stalk Your Favorite Zombie Authors #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Let’s face it. With fame, comes a certain level of interest from fans. Zombie fans are a special group too. Sometimes special in a scary way, but mostly in a good way. You may be wondering how to properly stalk your favorite zombie authors. There are a number of things which have …