by Jay Wilburn Rebecca Besser has a catalog of great zombie and horror work as well as some work which reaches outside those set genre. Nurse Blood is an amazing book worthy of checking out. Her latest Re-Civilize book is Elaine. This follows the book about Chad which did a lot to establish this world …
Author: Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn has a Masters Degree in Education that goes mostly unused since he quit teaching to write about zombies. Jay writes horror because he tends to find the light by facing down the darkness. His is doing well following a life saving kidney transplant. Jay is the author of Maidens of Zombie Kingdom a young adult fantasy trilogy, Lake Scatter Wood Tales adventure books for elementary and middle school readers, Vampire Christ a trilogy of political and religious satire, and The Dead Song Legend. He cowrote The Enemy Held Near, Yard Full of Bones, and The Hidden Truth with Armand Rosamilia. You can also find Jay's work in Best Horror of the Year volume 5. He is a staff writer with Dark Moon Digest, LitReactor, and the Still Water Bay series with Crystal Lake Publishing.
The Case for Derek Ailes #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Derek Ailes returns to the blog tour with his superhero satire universe in full swing with The Undead Pool: Dawn of Injustice. He mixes zombies with a send up of the superhero universes we all know and love and probably have to admit are ripe for parody and sometimes ridicule. Derek Ailes …
The Case for Peter Welmerink #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Peter Welmerink has made his mark on the zombie genre with his Transport series. Even though Joe Cross is within that same universe, I sense a new energy and fire in Welmerink’s writing with these books. Bull takes the Joe Cross books to a whole new level. Welmerink writes so much more …
The Case for Brent Abell #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Brent Abell is a talented and meticulous writer, being careful about every detail in a story. With this process, he produces some very good work and contributes something special to the zombie genre for fans. In addition to a number of great short stories, Abell came into his own with the release …
The Case for Mark Cusco Ailes #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Mark Cusco Ailes took us and his zombie stories in a new direction with The Last Stand. Mark Ailes took inspiration from Stephen King’s The Stand and looked for a way to incorporate zombies into an epic good vs. evil battle set upon the spiritual warfare plane of Christianity. Mark Ailes’s take …
The Case for Ricky Fleet #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Ricky Fleet has quickly made a name for himself among zombie writers and readers with his Hellspawn series. From book one to Hellspawn Requiem, the fourth in the series, he has grown as a writer along with the great world and characters he has created for us to enjoy. I talked with …
The Case for TJ Weeks #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn T. J. Weeks has built quite a following around his writing even before the Horror Squad series drew a larger audience to those books and to himself as a writer. His desire and commitment to write an engaging zombie story and series began about 2015 when several of his fans suggested it. …
The Case for Eric A Shelman #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Eric A Shelman is a powerhouse in zombie fiction and is well established across the spectrum of horror and storytelling. Shelman recently completed his nine volume Dead Hunger series with an exciting and satisfying conclusion. His Scabs series is going strong and fans are responding. Now, Shelman embarks on a new zombie …
The Case for SK Gregory #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn S. K. Gregory has already established herself as a great zombie storyteller with Indeadpendence Day and Grave Danger. She also has a catalog of demon stories readers really enjoy. With the story Before, the second in the series, she goes back to the beginning of characters and the outbreak which she established …
The Case for Angela B Chrysler #SummerZombie
by Jay Wilburn Angela B Chrysler has a broad and diverse catalog of work. None of it conforms to formulas nor truly resembles any other works within the genres wherein she writes. Each story, character, and series is something special and unique. This goes for her zombie series too which begins with Zombies From Space …