“Daniel Humphreys is doing amazing things with his series. Survival for his characters is hard-earned. A strong apocalyptic story.” — Jay Wilburn Teaser from A Place Outside the Wild by Daniel Humphreys The southern fence wasn’t much to look at compared to the rest of the perimeter. It consisted of cemented, eight-foot steel posts placed …
Author: Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn has a Masters Degree in Education that goes mostly unused since he quit teaching to write about zombies. Jay writes horror because he tends to find the light by facing down the darkness. His is doing well following a life saving kidney transplant. Jay is the author of Maidens of Zombie Kingdom a young adult fantasy trilogy, Lake Scatter Wood Tales adventure books for elementary and middle school readers, Vampire Christ a trilogy of political and religious satire, and The Dead Song Legend. He cowrote The Enemy Held Near, Yard Full of Bones, and The Hidden Truth with Armand Rosamilia. You can also find Jay's work in Best Horror of the Year volume 5. He is a staff writer with Dark Moon Digest, LitReactor, and the Still Water Bay series with Crystal Lake Publishing.
Fortress of Solitude
by Javan Bonds I’m sure you have thought about where you would go, where you would be safest during some type of global crash or apocalypse. Preparing for the coming zombie apocalypse is always talked about with a snicker, just to let others know you aren’t serious. You are joking, right? A pandemic that reanimates …
It’s Okay to Read Something … Honestly! #SummerZombie
by Thomas M Malafarina Several years ago I had the pleasure (or so I initially thought) of attending a horror convention in New Jersey. The idea was for me to sit at my publisher’s booth where I would sign free copies of several of my books and we would give them away free to the …
Teaser from The Splits by MV Clark #SummerZombie
“This does not read like a debut novel. MV Clark creates a unique zombie apocalypse with scale, scope, and depth. This is a universe which demands our attention and exploration.” — Jay Wilburn Teaser from The Splits: Personal Histories of Scott-Lapidot Disease from the Splits Archive by MV Clark London 1969 – the first UK …
Zombies: Should We Love Them or Hate Them? #SummerZombie
by Alathia Paris Morgan Zombies, should we love them or hate them? Is this just a fad that will disappear when the zombie shows are done? Why are we so fascinated by the undead? One of the grossest and most disgusting things, make us watch, read and follow them avidly, but if we were to …
Have a Plan! #SummerZombie
by Kenny Van Dyke Jr If you climb a tree, what then? Unless you have wings or a thick canopy of branches to climb through, you’re stuck. It may seem like a good idea to duck into a cave or parking garage, but how are you gonna get out again? Have a plan! Don’t pin …
Teaser from Evolved by Jessica Gomez
“Jessica Gomez tapped into something interested and primal with her Flash series. Evolved reaches that high bar set by the first two books.” — Jay Wilburn Excerpt from Evolved: Flash series book 3 by Jessica Gomez “Lillie!” I scream, as the Infected push the boulder back into place, sealing me away from my heart. Pausing …
How Zombies Changed My Life #SummerZombie
by Baileigh Higgins Today, I’d like to talk about how zombies changed my life, and I mean that in a literal sense. Now, I’ve always been a zombie fan. I read the books, I watch the movies, I play the games. Heck I even wear the t-shirts and fantasize about owning the ultimate zombie killer …
My 5 Favorite Zombie Films of All Time
by RJ Spears I know this will cause some debate, but I’m going the record and naming my Top 5 Zombies films of all time. #1 – Dawn of the Dead (1978) – This is the grandparent of all zombie films in my opinion. Without this movie, I doubt I would be writing zombie fiction …
Teaser from Dying Days: Family Ties – A Zombie YA Novella by Armand Rosamilia #SummerZombie
“When I heard that Armand Rosamilia was doing a Young Adult novel from his Dying Days universe, I was interested and a little taken aback. There aren’t many zombies as extreme and as adult as those in Dying Days. Family Ties creates an amazing story perfect for a Young Adult audience, but accessible to any …