by MV Clark I love zombies. Fast, slow, thin, fat, legless, eyeless, vomiting, hemorraghing … I just love them. In real life, I don’t know anybody who feels the same way, which is why I am so happy to find myself on the Summer of Zombie blog tour with like-minded people. What is it about …
Author: Jay Wilburn
Jay Wilburn has a Masters Degree in Education that goes mostly unused since he quit teaching to write about zombies. Jay writes horror because he tends to find the light by facing down the darkness. His is doing well following a life saving kidney transplant. Jay is the author of Maidens of Zombie Kingdom a young adult fantasy trilogy, Lake Scatter Wood Tales adventure books for elementary and middle school readers, Vampire Christ a trilogy of political and religious satire, and The Dead Song Legend. He cowrote The Enemy Held Near, Yard Full of Bones, and The Hidden Truth with Armand Rosamilia. You can also find Jay's work in Best Horror of the Year volume 5. He is a staff writer with Dark Moon Digest, LitReactor, and the Still Water Bay series with Crystal Lake Publishing.
What if it Happened Right Now? #SummerZombie
by Jessica Gomez Are you ever in a store, restaurant, or even at work when you think, what would I do if the zombie apocalypse happened at this moment? I have. More than I probably should. I have escape routes and plans all over the place. The major question you have to ask yourself is, …
Going from Extreme Zombies to YA Zombies #SummerZombie
by Armand Rosamilia If you’ve ever read one of my Dying Days books, first off… thank you! I appreciate the support. You are awesome. Someday when we meet you deserve a hug. Maybe not from me but from someone else in the room. I’ve often been either called out for or loved because of the …
Teaser from Seize Another Day by Baileigh Higgins #SummerZombie
“I came to Baileigh Higgins’s work late and found a treasure trove of great stories and series. She can write an apocalypse and has done so multiple times.” — Jay Wilburn Teaser from Seize Another Day book 4 of the Dangerous Days series by Baileigh Higgins After Ke Tau’s disastrous attack, the inhabitants had recovered …
There is No Way Zombies Could Win
by Thomas M Malafarina One of the big problems I have with a lot of the zombie genre books and movies is the idea that humanity could be destroyed by flesh eating creatures rising from the dead. For the sake of this discussion to continue, let’s accept the premise that by whatever means, natural, man-made …
The Science Behind Death
by Brahm Stroker from the research of Dr. Lapdrop Dr. Emmet Lapdrop is a character in the new novel Rated Z: Money Shot by Brahm Stroker published by Verboten Books Let’s face it, something that dies begins to stink. Changes start to take place in and outside the body. But how soon and what are …
Dogs as Food* #SummerZombie
by Kenny Van Dyke Jr. * Please, note that the views of eating dogs are not necessarily those of this website, Jay Wilburn, or Captain Three Kidneys. Well, we’re just going to say it. None of us eat dogs. We’re pretty sure Kenny Van Dyke Jr. doesn’t either although we are not around him all …
Why I Write Zombies #SummerZombie
by RJ Spears This is going to be hard for me to admit, but the reason I write zombie fiction is because of the romance of it. Some of you are now putting your hands to your mouth and might be holding back a laugh or maybe some residue of what you ate for lunch. …
Teaser from Good Boy by Tom Clark #SummerZombie
“I’m really excited about Good Boy coming out. Tom Clark has put great love and work into this project and his writing. I’m in for the whole trilogy. This is everything that’s great about zombie fiction and animal protagonists.” — Jay Wilburn Teaser from Good Boy by Tom Clark FOX FIGHT (FROM CHAPTER 1): Outside, …
Who Lives and Who Dies
by Samie Sands Realistically, not many people will live through the zombie apocalypse, it just isn’t possible for everyone to get by when something so horrific happens to the world. Survival of the fittest will really come into play. As many post-apocalyptic books and movies show, it’s a situation that can bring the best and …