by Jay Wilburn
As of the the end of this tour, Armand Rosamilia will have been doing the zombie tours for over five years now as a host or a featured author. He began with the Summer of Zombie tours and the Winter of Zombie tours have been running almost as long. Some years he had as many as 40 or more authors on. Even with regular repeats, we are still talking about hundreds of authors that have been on at least one of the summer or winter tours thanks to what he started to hep authors and readers of the genre.
A lot of great authors and great work in the genre have been promoted through these tours and hopefully we’ll be able to keep up those traditions and high standards for many years to come. That’s the thing about zombies and zombies stories: They just keep rising up and they keep on coming.
With such a long a varied list of past participants, we wanted to check back in with some of our alumni to see what they are doing now as 2016 is moving toward a close. The election is over, we have survived so far, and they are still writing. Writing what?! Some were busy with other projects, some were between releases, others were promoting books from other genre, and we missed them on the tour this year.
With that in mind, let’s take some time to check in on a few of our SOZ and WOZ alumni …
I’m currently working on the sequel to my The Undead Pool Series: Dawn of Injustice. I recently released the first book. Superheroes battle the living dead in this hilarious spoof on the comic book universe! An audio book for the Undead Pool is currently in production. The audio book along with the kindle release of Dawn of Injustice will be in January 2017.
Check out this flashback post from Summer of Zombie 2016 The Case for Derek Ailes.

Check out this flashback teaser post from Summer of Zombie 2016 for a look inside the novel Lizzie Bordon, Zombie Hunter.
It’s been a busy year, and next year looks to be even busier! I’m currently working on final edits for the seventh book in my Scary Tales series, That Rotten Puppet: A Scary Tale of The Frog Prince & Frankenstein’s Monster. This dark fantasy series features mashups of your favorite horror monsters and fairy tales characters. Earlier this year, I worked with artist Amy Kollar Anderson on successfully funding a Kickstarter for a Scary Tales tie-in, adult coloring book called That Naughty Pipe: A Scary Tale of the Pied Piper & Gremlins. Finally, I’ve been partnering this year with NY Times Bestselling Author Megan Hart on publishing an anthology called Intersections: Six Tales of Ouija Horror. Aside from Megan and me, it’ll feature brand new novella-length works by Sephera Giron, Chris Marrs, Brad C. Hodson, and Kerry Lipp. Its release date is Friday, January 13, 2017. This is going to be an amazing collection of Ouija-inspired stories! If anyone is interested in receiving an advance copy in exchange for an honest review on Amazon, they can email me at [email protected].
Check out this flashback post The Case for Rob E Boley from a previous tour.
Shawn Chesser
Hey all. Sure miss hanging with you guys and gals on the WoZBT. I’m sure Jay is riding herd like the boss that he is.
My latest baby ‘DISTRICT: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse‘ is a couple of months old now. This book 11 in the series. Feel free to start out the series now with book 1.
Check out the Case for Shawn Chesser from Summer of Zombie 2016.
Peter Welmerink

Very cool. Thank you for updating us.
If you are an author of zombie fiction and are interested in being on the tour, your humble and sexy host, Jay Wilburn, is interested in reading your work for consideration. Whether you have been writing zombies for years or this is your first published work, we’re interested. Whether you have been on the tour before or are brand new, we’ll read it. If you write Romero zombies, fast zombies, slow zombies, talking zombies, voo doo zombies, mutants, or some type of zombie never seen in literature before, we are interested. If your zombie book is horror, sci fi, romance, young adult, non fiction, or some weird cross genre, we’ll consider it. Whether I have known you for years or never met you before, if you have a recent or forth coming zombie book you want considered as a featured work on the next tour, go to this link and fill out the form. There are more details on what is expected of featured authors and the time frame. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks, everyone, for playing along. Come see us for Summer of Zombie 2017 and beyond. Keep reading!