This is the Master List for my #BrianKeeneRevisited adventure. Each post will be linked here as I complete the works and publish my thoughts.
This list includes every book I have or that is still available in print for me to buy. It excludes comics, franchise/movie/TV tie-ins, standalone pieces in other anthologies, etc. This is not a definitive list of all his works. Due to the nature and the scope of his career, there is so much that is out of print and has risen to costly collector prices. The best list of everything he has done is the bibliography found on his own site.
More details about this process and why I am revisited all of Brian Keene’s work are explained in the introductory post linked at the top of the list below.
If you are interested in my #StephenKingRevisited posts from my previous series, you can check out that Master List here.
Note: Photo credits where applicable will appear at the bottom of each post.

Introductory Post: A Gathering of Books #BrianKeeneRevisited
Sympathy for the Devil : The Best Of Hail Saten Volume 1
Running with the Devil : The Best Of Hail Saten Volume 2
The Rising: Selected Scenes From the End of the World
Clickers II
Hail Saten vol 3: The New Fear
Kill Whitey
Ghost Walk
Earthworm Gods Selected Scenes From the End of the World
Urban Gothic
An Occurrence In Crazy Bear Valley
Clickers III
Darkness on the Edge of Town
The Cage
A Gathering of Crows
The Girl on the Glider
The Rising: Deliverance
The Damned Highway
Earthworm Gods II: Deluge
Clickers vs. Zombies
Last of the Albatwitches
Blood on the Page: The Complete Short Fiction of Brian Keene Vol. 1
Sixty Five Stirrup Iron Road
King of the Bastards
Trigger Warnings
The Lost Level
The Complex
Where We Live and Die
All Dark All The Time: The Complete Short Fiction of Brian Keene Vol. 2
Unsafe Spaces
Throne of the Bastards
Return to the Lost Level
School’s Out
Clickers Forever
Love Letters From A Nihilist: The Complete Short Fiction Vol. 3
White Fire
Silverwood: The Door
Hole in the World (Lost Level 3)
Curse of the Bastards
End of the Road
On the Road with Brian Keene by John Urbancik
Triangle of Belief
A Little Silver Book of Streetwise Stories
Stories for the Next Pandemic
Dissonant Harmonies
With Teeth
Suburban Gothic
The Seven: The Labyrinth, Book 1
Things Left Behind
Note: The photo of Brian Keene used in the banner image of these blog posts was taken by John Urbancik and used by permission of both Keene and Urbancik.